by Nel

Rating: R
Category: AU, angst
Pairing: T/D Disclaimer: Not mine.
Spoilers: No spoilers for season 6,7 and 8.
Summary: Dreams, Daniel has learned, have told him the truth more often than reality has.
Author's Notes: This was a birthday gift for Danvers, which I figured I should probably put up on my site (and not just my LJ) before the next decade. Bit different from my normal stuff, tried out a new style of writing, and I'm really really happy with the results.

HUGE smooches to Suz.


He doesn’t trust him. Doesn’t think he ever will. He knows that Jack doesn’t either, but that he’s willing to give it a shot, probably for some strategic reason Daniel’s too tired to grasp.

He notices how Teal’c watches him when they’re offworld, watching him with a look of understanding in his eyes.

He might think that he understands, but he doesn’t. How can he? He may be aware of his actions, but there's no way he can really understand what consequences they had.


He’s surprised to find out that Teal'c has a family. He can’t put the two different sides of the man together; how can the same man who took (killed) his wife be the same man who has a wife and a son? Who loves his wife and son?

How can someone like that ever love?

He’s still watching Daniel, but now Daniel sees that there isn’t just understanding there, there’s also guilt.

He tells himself that he doesn’t care.


He knows that Jack was pleased when he fired the staff weapon at the hammer device on Cimmeria; Daniel knows that the pleasure didn’t come from cruelty, but necessity. They need to become a team to be able to have a chance out here.

Daniel understands this; he even approves of it.

But he’s not going to let Teal’c get close. They can be a team without that.


He defends Teal’c out of necessity, nothing else. They won’t be a team if one of them gets killed. Even if that person is Teal’c.

He’s not happy to know of the things Teal’c has done in his past. He’s not happy over the guilt Teal’c seems to be feeling about it either.

He tells himself that the gratefulness that is now added to the different expressions in Teal’c’s eyes doesn’t touch him.


The mere possibility that he and Teal’c may be the only ones left of SG-1 is disturbing. More than disturbing, especially since the possibility is becoming more and more likely by the minute.

He didn’t realize how much he’s come to depend on his team; Jack for his sarcastic humor, but mostly for his warm eyes and the shoulder to lean on; Sam for the real friendship she offers, without any hidden malice or agendas.

He wonders what it means that he’s come to expect agendas from other people, when he changed so profoundly.

He also wonders if he’s started to depend on Teal’c.


Almost dying is almost as big a shock as seeing another version of Teal’c and discovering that Daniel’s expecting him to be good. To be honorable. To do the right thing and let Daniel go.

But then, Daniel knows what an excellent shot Teal’c is. Wouldn’t it stand to reason that alternate versions of him would be too?

Would Teal’c really miss him and only hit his shoulders at such a short distance?

They manage to stop Apophis, and victory has never been so sweet. He knows now that finding Sha’re will be harder than he thought it would be, but at least they have a fighting chance. They’ve saved the world, haven’t they?

He finds himself smiling at Teal’c.


He admits to himself that his attitude towards Teal’c has changed in the past year, as he finds the thought of facing Kasuf with him by his side comforting. He’s an unmovable force and exactly what Daniel needs as he feels like he’s going to break in pieces and go into a dozen different directions at once.

Teal’c’s attitude towards Daniel seems to have changed as well; a year ago, Daniel doesn’t think that Teal’c would have confronted him about his feelings towards Sha’re (my god, she’s pregnant).

Even though he wishes that Teal’c would have found a better time to overcome his guilt, he does see that he has a point. Feeling sorry for himself isn’t going to help Sha’re, and that’s what he needs to be focusing on. Helping Sha’re. Sha’re, not Ammonet.

If he can’t, this may be the last time he speaks to his wife.


Seeing her walk through the gate with Apophis doesn’t hurt as much as he thought it would. Mostly, he just feels numb. Or rather, his chest feels numb. Making it hard to breathe. And he wishes that he had his glasses so that things wouldn’t be so blurry.

Jack is looking at him with compassion and he doesn’t think he can handle that right now. He thinks that Jack understands. He leaves Daniel alone, at least.

Sam’s keeping her distance and while it felt like a relief coming from Jack, who knows loss as intimately as Daniel ever will, it feels like betrayal from her. She’s the one who’s supposed to stand by him even when he doesn’t want her to. Now more than ever.

Teal’c keeps his distance, but he also keeps close. He doesn’t crowd Daniel, but Daniel knows that if he needs him, Teal’c will be there.

He may even love him a little for it.


If Apophis wasn’t his only key to Sha’re, Daniel would be slowly squeezing the air out of his lungs. And he’d enjoy it. The thought alone gives him more pleasure than he would have imagined, perhaps because Apophis is so close that Daniel can touch him and fool himself that if he wants to, he can do it. Nothing would stop him.

He thinks that’s probably the only thing stopping him from doing it.

He doesn’t want Apophis’ host to be a scared and lost man who should have been dead a long time ago. A man with a life and a family and possible happiness. He doesn’t want things to be even more complicated than they are.

He doesn’t strangle Apophis and he doesn’t find out where Sha’re is.

And he doesn’t find any pleasure in the knowledge that Sokar will torture Apophis until he tires of him.

He just feels tired.


To say that seeing Hathor again is one of his least favorite things would be an understatement. He’s gone from thinking that everyone he cares about is dead, to finding out that they’re not, to losing it all again.

Jack’s scream of pain tears his chest apart in a way he hasn’t let himself feel for a long time. He swears to himself that he’ll find a way to kill Jack and put him out of his misery.

He wonders why he’s never thought that way of Sha’re’s situation. Is it because he loves her more or less than Jack?

The rescue when it comes in its various stages is as staggering as always. They did it again, beat the odds, lived to fight another day. Jack cracks a bad joke about Daniel’s new hair cut, and Daniel is almost happy enough to see Jack alive and non-possessed to ignore the haunted look in his eyes.

Sam’s walking close to Jack, as though she’s afraid he’ll fall apart.

Teal’c sees the scar on Jack’s neck and says nothing; he only grasps his shoulder, once, firmly, and Jack swallows hard before Janet arrives to make sure they’re all really in one piece.


If he hadn’t been in an alternate reality, seeing Sam with long hair would probably have wigged him out the way that seeing Kawalsky walking and talking and generally being alive does.

He can’t shake the feeling that somehow, they’re still stuck in the Gamekeeper’s reality, even though he knows they’re not. He figures that he’s allowed to feel that way as Sam is looking pretty wigged out herself.

And Jack is mostly looking sad.

Finding another bad Teal’c in Doctor Carter’s reality is disconcerting. Does that mean that without SG-1, his Teal’c would have been the same?

He watches Teal’c take out his evil counter-part with pleasure and wonders if Teal’c is thinking the same thing.

He finds comfort in the fact that at least the Asgard seem to be good whatever universe you‘re in.


Sha’re is dead.

No. No, she’s not.

He thinks that either his life has turned into a dream, or he’s gone insane for real this time, without the help of Machello.

He thinks that he’s right in not having trusted Teal’c (only, he has) these last few years.

He tells himself that the pain in Teal’c’s eyes is well deserved.

He tells himself, as he looks into Sha’re’s dying eyes, that there really isn’t a part of him that’s relieved this is finally over.


His life seems hazy these days. Nothing seems real. He’s still not convinced this isn’t all a dream. Especially when he starts walking through walls.

Trying to find the Harsesis child seems like a made up goal to make himself go on when what has been the goal of his life so far is lost forever.

He wonders if he hasn’t always been invisible and people just haven’t noticed it until now.

He does have to admit the unlikeliness of that theory, as he’s pretty sure that the walking through walls thing is new.

That Teal’c can somehow sense him is reassuring. Hopefully that means that all this isn’t just in Daniel’s head. Plus, Teal’c walking straight through him is more upsetting than he’s sure he can explain.

It’s also reassuring that Nick can see him. Which should worry him, as Nick isn’t considered to be the most stable person. He wasn’t even considered stable before they put him in a mental institution.

Being back in the solid world is a bit like being chained to the ground, but also an enormous relief. He’s never realized his need to be seen before, but then he’d like to think of himself as someone who’s at least honest with himself and that it doesn’t upset him that he didn’t know this about himself.

Because he doesn’t know anyone who can tell him prettier lies than himself.


He wonders if it means something that the first time he kisses Teal’c is when he basically has superpowers.

When Teal’c groans loudly as Daniel holds him down and fucks him, he has to admit it probably does.

Afterwards, as Teal’c arrives at Daniel’s apartment and Daniel is just Daniel again, minus superpowers, he wonders if he can put it off as just another heady thing that the armband made him do.

As Teal’c falls to his knees and unbuckles Daniel’s belt, Daniel’s not sure he wants to.

And as Teal’c spends the night and Daniel’s bed doesn’t feel like the empty void it’s been the last four years, he’s sure of it.

He’s not blaming the armband.

He may even be thanking the armband.


When Teal’c goes to the other side of the universe with Jack and barely comes back in one piece, Daniel starts to think that he may mean more to him than just being a friend and occasional companion in bed.

When they find Teal’c in the hands of Heru’ur, it’s not a question of starting to think anymore.

He takes Teal’c home to his place when they return to Earth, telling the others that he doesn’t think that Teal’c should have to spend the night alone in his quarters after having being tortured.

Sam thinks it’s a good idea and Jack slaps him companionably on his back, saying that Daniel’s the eternal humanitarian. His eyes are knowing, though.

He lets Teal’c fuck him for the first time that night.

And for the first time in a long time, he’s content.


He’s a little bit at a loss as they don’t so much find the Harsesis as it finds them. No, not it, him. The boy.

Sha’re’s boy.


He sees so much of her in the boy, but he can’t help but look for Apophis as well. He wonders if it’s possible that character traits of the larvae can actually show in a human.

Power, he discovers, is headier than he had ever imagined. It’s a lot like when he wore the armband, only magnified by a hundred.

He avoids Teal’c when he wakes up. He’s not sure he wants to know what it says about him as a person that he’d send someone he loves to die, even if it was just a dream.

Dreams, Daniel has learned, have told him the truth more often than reality has.

He holds on for a week before he lets Teal’c into his apartment again. He hates himself for being weak, but comforts himself with the thought that the dream was a warning. A warning of something he can avoid now.


He’s staring down the barrel of the gun Teal’c is holding, his eyes flickering between the cold expression on Teal’c’s face and Jack lying on the ground, holding his nose.

Nothing they say seems to get through to him, and they look at each other in concern. Ry’ac being brainwashed is still a memory that’s sharply etched into their minds, but Teal’c doesn’t seem to be responding to logic.

He also knows them too well. Before Sam manages to get the door of the room they’re trapped in open, Teal’c arrives and destroys the control to it.

He smiles in a way that chills Daniel and points at him. “Bring him.”

He barely hears the protests of the others as he’s dragged out of the room by two Jaffa, Teal’c leading the way.

He tries to tell them that he’s quite able to walk on his own, but they seem to find it more rewarding to try and pull his arms out of their sockets.

Finally they arrive to their destination. Teal’c opens a door, the Jaffa pushing Daniel inside and he’s barely able to keep his footing.

He studies Teal’c warily as the door closes behind them and he turns to Daniel, smiling. This nightmarish day, he’s smiled more than Daniel has ever seen before. And Daniel has had plenty of time to observe him.

“Teal’c, you have to realize-“

Teal’c raises a hand and his smile vanishes. Daniel shuts up.

For a moment, anyway.

“What am I doing here? You know I won’t tell you anything. I don’t think there’s anything I can tell you that you don’t already know anyway.”

He nods. “I am well aware of that.”

Daniel frowns. “Then why?”

“These past years have been trying.” He looks at Daniel with something very akin to disgust. “You do not know how it tainted me, always bowing to you.”

Daniel swallows. He’s not himself. He’s brainwashed. He’s-

“Pretending to be sorry for serving my god. Pretending to be beneath you. Pretending that killing the woman was difficult.”

It’s suddenly hard to breath. “If you were in the service of Apophis, why would you kill Ammonet?”

Teal’c shrugged, and the gesture was so alien that alarm bells started ringing in Daniel’s head. “She had given birth to the child, she was no longer necessary.”

“But I was?”

“Keeping your trust was.”

“You could have betrayed us long ago if you’d wanted to.” His voice sounds scratchy. He doesn’t know why all this is getting to him, Teal’c is brainwashed. But the alarm bells are still ringing.

“Many enemies of Apophis have been defeated,” Teal’c says, smiling triumphantly. “The Tau’ri served us better than we had expected. But you are not necessary anymore.”

Brainwashed. “So, what? You brought me here to boast?”

“No.” Teal’c grows somber again, and Daniel almost recognizes him. “The time spent with the Tau’ri was fruitful, but hard. You made some of that time bearable.”

He walks up to Daniel and tilts his chin up with his hand, slipping his tongue into Daniel’s mouth and pressing their bodies close.

Daniel can barely breathe; this is such a bad time for this, he should be trying to get Teal’c to understand the truth. But his body feels so good against Daniel’s, his mouth so sweet.

The sharp pain in his belly makes him choke, but Teal’c simply continues to kiss him. When he starts coughing, warm liquid filling his mouth, Teal’c steps back. His lips are smeared bright red.

Daniel looks down at the hole in his own stomach and at the knife in Teal’c’s hand. Then he looks up into Teal’c’s face. He’s smiling again, gently, the way Daniel secretly always wished he would.

“I wish to thank you, DanielJackson, for making part of that time bearable. You will not be tortured. We will not interrogate you. The gratitude of Teal’c, First Prime of Apophis, used to mean a great deal. You will be the first to know that gratitude again.”

Daniel stumbles back a step before sagging to the floor. The knife Teal’c’s holding is long and wide; it must have done a lot of damage.

He doesn’t have time to think anything else as Teal’c firmly presses him down to the floor and puts a pillow under his head. He smiles again. “Rest peacefully, DanielJackson.”

Daniel chokes again as the position on his back makes it harder for him to spit out the blood rapidly filling his mouth.

He shouldn’t have trusted again.



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